Current Projects

CAMELOT stands for ‘CreAting Machinima Empowers Live Online language Teaching and learning” and is a 2-year EU funded project for language educators to learn how to create videos (machinima) in virtual worlds. (Dec 2013-Nov 2015) For further information check the CAMELOT Project Website


Christel Schneider works as research assistant for the CAMELOT project for University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK     

EUROVERSITY is a three-year project co-funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Program, Key Activity 3 ICT. The project started in December 2011 and will finish in November 2014. Euroversity is a network of 18 partner from 10 European countries (the United Kingdom, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Portugal, Cyprus, Germany), and a third country partner from Israel.

After retirement at the ICC - the international language association, Christel Schneider continued to be involved in the project as associate partner.

She has taken every opportunity to disseminate the project by submitting papers to various conferences and by devoting a couple of machinima to the EUROVERSITY project i.e. 'Why Second Life' and 'It is never too late to learn something new' which both won awards in international competitions.

CSiTrain - Dissemination activities

7th International Conference:

Languages in Multilingual and Multiculteral Europe Quo Vadis? 7-8 June in Klaipeda Lithuania

Introduction to EUROVERSITY at the Online DaFKon 8 March 2013





Christel Schneider

international Training

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