Making and Using Machinima for Language Teaching

Machinima for language learning

The authors Carol Rainbow and Christel Schneider.are happy to announce that their new book was launched by The Round and is now available on Amazon and SmashWord

Letty Pienaar (l) and Carol Rainbow (r)
Carol Rainbow (right) and Letty Pienaar (left)


The Schneider - Rainbow Production Team
has produced a number of videos [machinima]* for language learning.
The videos are divided into different genres:

The videos are produced in English and in German and a number of them have won awards at various competitions.


You will find a full sample of activities for the video 'the owl and the pussycat' for free download.




Machinima is a technique for making videos or films from 3D virtual spaces using screen-capture programmes.






Christel Schneider

international Training

Haffkruger Weg 35

D-22143 Hamburg